

Type 1 Diabetes NOW
29 Time Difference and Insulin Injection Dosage

Nowadays, people travel abroad quite easily.
I had a female patient with type 1 diabetes visiting our outpatient clinic yesterday. She has just returned from a homestay in Canada. Though she had been to Guam prior to this trip, this was her first homestay experience. She came back safely and encountered no problems during the trip.
Before she left Japan, she had various concerns. Contrary to her worries, she did not have any problems at X-ray inspections at airports. She brought with her an English medical certificate just in case, but she came back without having to present it to anyone during the trip. Her HbA1c after the trip was around 7.0%.
I have written about concerns diabetic patients may have when going abroad in the last couple of articles. In this article, I would like to touch on time difference and insulin injection dosage though I assume those of you who are used to traveling abroad have your own ways to deal with them.
If you are often pointed out by your doctor about less favorable glucose control, I recommend you consult well with your doctor before going abroad.
I would like to mainly talk about adjustment of insulin dosage during flights to and from the destination.

In the case of one injection a day
The schoolbook explanation usually talks about how to adjust insulin dosage when traveling west and when traveling east. This method may apply to those injecting NPH insulin once a day.
In fact, however, those of you injecting NPH, or 10R or 20R once per day do no have to think too seriously. In most cases, you could simply inject it in the morning while in Japan and do the same in the morning once you arrive at the destination.
Even if you inject it as you do while in Japan, you are less likely to develop hypoglycemia. You will hardly have poorer glucose control during flights either.
This is because you tend to not move much and to eat more than usual while on a plane.

In the case of four injections per day
Then, what about those on four-time injections per day? It is even simpler.
You just need to inject regular or rapid-acting insulin per meal during flights and inject intermediate or long-acting soluble insulin at bedtime as usual while in overseas.
You could determine pre-meal insulin dosage based on the amount of carbohydrate to be consumed as usual and inject the same usual dosage of intermediate or long-acting insulin at bedtime.

During flights, you eat meals and do not move much, so you tend to take in more calories than you need. Thus, you will hardly develop hypoglycemia. You would rather likely to have hyperglycemia.
Also, since the air inside a plane is dry leading to rather dehydration, blood becomes concentrated, which is likely to cause hyperglycemia.

Use in-flight service wisely
In order to avoid "economic-class syndrome," let's make sure to take enough water. These days, cabin attendants often give you 500ml-water in plastic bottle shortly after meals.
You will also find fruits and so forth in the galley (where cabin attendants are) near lavatory. If you get hungry, you can ask cabin attendants to bring you what you want to eat or drink. You do not need to hesitate at all.

What about insulin dosage after arriving at the destination?
As I wrote in 27 Meals While in Other Countries and Insulin Dosage, you could start with the same dosage as you inject while in Japan if you are in Southeast Asia where carbohydrate intake is high.
< If you are in the U.S. or in Europe where the diet is low in carbohydrate and high in protein and fat, you could start with smaller insulin dosage.
I have written about this topic also in the vol.27 of "Novo Care Friend". "Insulin wa tomodachi (Insulin is our friend)" edited by the Japan Association for Diabetes Education and Care (published by Ishiyaku Publishers Inc. in 2000) covers 1-week overseas trip of a patient with juvenile-onset type 1 diabetes, which I hope you will find useful.
©2007 Yasuko Uchigata



 帰国後の血糖コントロールもHbA1c 7.0%くらいでした。
 また、お腹がすくようでしたら、トイレのそばのギャレー(スチュワーデスさんがいるところ)に果物などがいつも置いてあります。また、スチュワーデスさんを呼べば希望する食べるものや飲むものを持ってきてくれます。  遠慮はまったく要りません。
 「27. 海外での食事とインスリン注射量」で書きましたが、日本や東南アジアのように炭水化物の多い食事の国では、日本でのインスリン量から始めるといいでしょう。
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