

Type 1 Diabetes NOW
49 Pay Attention to Your Usual Injection Site!

I may have touched on this topic before, but I would like to address this topic once again.

Where are you injecting?
"As I inject insulin every day, I don't even remember exactly where…." "Of course it's the same usual site." That is right. When it comes to daily multiple injections, patients tend to inject the same usual area.
And that usual area is probably an area next to the naval, thighs or left upper arm.
Please trace these sites with your finger to see if they are swelling. Last year or the year before, I saw a column in a famous medical magazine with a CT scan photo of the stomach showing swell under the skin on the right and left side of the naval. It was named "insulin ball". It was caused by injecting insulin at the same site over and over.
It does not hurt if injected in this swelling area. That is why patients fall into the habit of injecting in the same spot repeatedly.

Why is it not good to keep injecting the same site?
The swell under the skin is thought to be fat tissue and fiber tissue. It is not difficult to figure out that injecting such site will lead to delay in insulin absorption from under the skin to capillary blood vessel compared to when injecting other sites.
What will happen if insulin dose not get absorbed well? In the case of pre-meal insulin, postprandial blood glucose level will start rising before the injected insulin starts working and the insulin will begin to work really well three to four hours after the meal, which is likely to lower glucose level.
Recently, I had a patient who was able to reduce insulin dosage by one-third by changing injection sites.

Insulin may leak from injection site
When you inject insulin into the same site over and over, the skin of the area becomes indurated. Then, what happens often is that injected insulin flows back when removing the needle even if you count to five or ten after the injection. "Leaking out" may be a more appropriate phrase to describe. It may be one or two units of insulin that leak from the skin, but it is more in the case of those injecting a larger dosage.

Absorbed by alcohol swab
There are patients who press an alcohol swab against the injection site after removing the needle. I have read in a British patient education book that insulin gets absorbed onto the cotton by capillary action. (In any case, it is not necessary to hold an alcohol swab on or press it against the site after taking out the needle.)
Because of these reasons, even if you turn the dial to 20 units and inject, 20 units of insulin may not get fully injected under the skin. Naturally, your blood glucose level would not come down as much as expected. If you face this situation, you may think 20 units are not enough and inject 22 units the next time. Finding no insulin leaking from the skin, you may feel relieved. However, your blood glucose level could become lower than expected after that. Cases like this could happen.

What is the appropriate dosage?
If you do not realize leakage of insulin, you may wonder why your blood glucose does not come down. When you increase dosage, you become hypoglycemic.
Eventually, you start losing your grasp on appropriate insulin dosage and become skeptical even about measured blood glucose values….
This is common. You could get frustrated, start feeling anxious about what you are doing, begin to not trust what your doctor tells you….

If insulin leaks from the skin
Those of you on insulin for many years may say that you have used almost all the sites you could use for injection and that some insulin leaks no matter where you inject.
What could be done? One idea is to estimate the amount of insulin to leak and inject a little larger dosage. This, however, is a little frightening.
You could slide the skin up or down from the injection site and then inject. When removing the needle, the flesh you have pulled away will re-cover the injection site creating a little "break" between where the needle was inserted in the skin and under the skin, which works to prevent leakage of insulin.
This is not my idea. It was written in an insulin injection manual published by the British Diabetic Association many years ago. I was really impressed with the British Diabetic Association! Since then, I have been telling my patients at our outpatient clinic to use this technique. It does seem to work well.

Just a little tip makes difference. The point is not to always inject into the same site and rotate injection site across various areas.

©2009 Yasuko Uchigata












[ Terahata ]


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