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国際糖尿病支援基金 設立10周年おめでとうございます。(Insulin for Life)

 オーストラリアで糖尿病患者さんを支援するインスリン・フォー・ライフ(IFL)のRon Raab代表より、国際糖尿病支援基金設立10周年に対するお祝いのコメントが届いていますので、ご紹介します。

国際糖尿病支援基金 設立10周年おめでとうございます。




  最近では、エクアドルのFundacion vivir con Diabetes(FUVIDA)が糖尿病のキャンプを行う際に貴基金からの支援により、インスリン等の物資を提供することが可能となりました。


  特に、事務局長である株式会社創新社代表取締役 三角健二氏には大変感謝しております。三角氏には貴基金とIFLとの共同活動を支えていただき、また、非常に影響力のある御社のサイト糖尿病ネットワークへ、我々の活動内容を紹介していただいたことを重ねて感謝いたします。御社のような成功を収めている組織に支えられた世界中の人々の命を救う国際的な活動は、将来も有望であることが確実です。



  • The International Diabetes Federation Award 2009 - “In Recognition of Outstanding Service to Diabetes”
  • The American Diabetes Association - Harold Rifkin Award for Distinguished International Service
  • The Lilly Partnership in Diabetes Global and Australian Awards
  • The Sir Philip Sherlock Distinguished Award and the Novo Nordisk Hagedorn Medal for Humanitarian Medical Assistance
  IFLは、オーストラリア糖尿病協会、国際糖尿病連合(IDF)とも連携し、ロシェ、ノボ ノルディスク ファーマ、イーライリリー、サノフィ・アべンティス、メドトロニック などの企業各社からも支援も受けています。



IFL本部 IFL Australia:http://www.insulinforlife.org/
IFL USA:www.insulinforlifeusa.org
IZL Austria:www.diabetesberater.at
IFL Canada:www.insulinforlifecanada.org
IZL Germany:www.insulin-zum-leben.de
IFL Netherlands:insulinforlife.nl@gmail.com
IFL UK:www.iddtinternational.org

Congratulations on the 10th Anniversary to International Diabetes Aid Fund Japan

The Board of Insulin for Life Australia and Global (IFL) congratulates the International Diabetes Assistance Fund (IDAF) Japan for its 10th Anniversary of support for the activities of IFL Australia and Global. Through this support many lives are being saved.

Over the last 10 years the IDAF Japan has assisted IFL with funding to support the transport and handling costs for us to send emergency supplies to several countries. IDAF Japan supports us to send ongoing supplies for young people with type 1 diabetes in Ecuador and for diabetes camps for children in Ecuador so that the families and children from very poor backgrounds are able to attend and receive education, motivation, friendship and ongoing support. IFL also introduced the IDAF Japan to the “Dream Trust” India which supports many very poor children in India who need insulin.

Sally Morita and Kazuko Toya Kusano of IDAF Japan have visited some of the recipient countries that have received supplies from IFL and have also taken part in some of the camps and other education activities.

IDAF Japan has assisted our activities in Ecuador, Cambodia, Kenya, Haiti, Uzbekistan, Vietnam and South East Asia, following the Tsunami in 2006.

We would like to thank Mr Kenji Mikado, President of SOSHINSHA Company for his support and encouragement for our collaboration and for giving so much prominence to our activities on his company’s website. It is very promising to see such a successful organization as that headed by Mr Mikado also supporting international activities that are saving lives around the world.

IFL also collaborated with the IDAF Japan at the IDF Western Pacific Region Congress in Busan, Korea in 2010 and we are planning to collaborate, for example with information displays, at the IDF Western Pacific Region Congress in Kyoto in 2012. This should be a wonderful opportunity to show how IFL and IDAF Japan are saving lives of people with diabetes around the world

Insulin for Life has been honored with international awards in recent years, including The International Diabetes Federation Award 2009 - “In Recognition of Outstanding Service to Diabetes”; The American Diabetes Association - Harold Rifkin Award for Distinguished International Service; The Lilly Partnership in Diabetes Global and Australian Awards; The Sir Philip Sherlock Distinguished Award and the Novo Nordisk Hagedorn Medal for Humanitarian Medical Assistance. IFL collaborates actively with Diabetes Australia and the International Diabetes Federation, and works has the support of a number of pharmaceutical companies including as Roche, Novo Nordisk, Eli Lilly, Sanofi- Aventis and Medtronic.

IFL is recognised as a leading international humanitarian assistance organisation for diabetes. Through these connections IDAF Japan is receiving the recognition it deserves internationally for the support it gives Insulin for Life Australia to save lives around the world.

It is a very successful collaboration and we look forward to continuing to work together.

Ron Raab
Past Vice-President (2000-2006), International Diabetes Federation

IFL Australia:http://www.insulinforlife.org/
IFL USA:www.insulinforlifeusa.org
IZL Austria:www.diabetesberater.at
IFL Canada:www.insulinforlifecanada.org
IZL Germany:www.insulin-zum-leben.de
IFL Netherlands:insulinforlife.nl@gmail.com
IFL UK:www.iddtinternational.org

  • これまでに寄せられた寄付金
  • これまでに実行した支援金



  Insulin for Life

  Fundacion Vivir con Diabetes

  Diabetes Kenya Lifeline
